Does Homeownership Matter?

IMPACTS of Habitat Homeownership

In 2015, Wilder Research, in partnership with Habitat MN, conducted a study on the impact of Habitat homeownership.

What do the findings tell us, in total, about the impacts of a Habitat home on the lives of homeowners? 

The research suggests that Habitat’s combination of financing and financial contributions, volunteer power, services for homeowners, and homeowner sweat equity results in an improved quality of life for program participants. In doing so, the program enhances the human, social, and economic capital of our communities, resulting in benefits for all. 

Habitat homeownership

Contributes positively to young people’s participation in school and their academic performance.

Increases or maintains feelings of financial security for most homeowners, enabling many of them to have more money to spend on their families than they had previously.

Positively affects feelings of safety.

Is associated with less use of government assistance programs.

Tends to promote greater social connectedness and participation in community activities.

Cost-benefit analysis indicates that all of these positive outcomes for the 2,200 Habitat homeowners in Minnesota amount to a reduction of government assistance needed by $6.4 to $9.3 million annually.

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